An application is a MUFL program that implements packet state transition logic. Each ADAPT packet contains a fully-compiled application that provides business logic overseeing all behavior of the packet. An application constitutes the main body of a packet and is akin to the main
function in C.
application MyApp loads library Cryptography {
... // some code.
Application source files must use the .mu file extension.
Applications may declare variables and functions and may access public variables and functions from libraries.
The main purpose of an application is to implement transactions (externally-exposed functions) that constitute the packet interface for an ADAPT packet.
Here’s an example of a MUFL application:
application pinger_ponger
loads libraries
uses transactions
hidden // private data and function definitions
previous_count is int = 0.
diff = (#$DIFF == "" ?? 1 ; _str_to_number #$DIFF).
fn make_ping (packet_id: global_id, count: int)
integration_test_api::custom_message "Received ping: " count "\n".
if previous_count != 0 && previous_count - diff * 2 != count then
_abort_transaction ("Invalid ping value received. Expected: " + (_str (previous_count - diff * 2)) + ", obtained: " + (_str count)).
previous_count -> count.
if count == 0 then
integration_test_api::exit 0.
return ::transaction::success [].
return ::transaction::success [
::transaction::action::send packet_id ($name -> "::pinger_ponger::ping", $targ -> (count - diff))
// transaction
trn ping_init
_:($count -> count: int, $from -> packet_id: global_id)
current_transaction_info::validate_origin_or_abort (::transaction::envelope::origin::user,).
if count == 0 then
_abort_transaction "Obtained zero count value.".
return make_ping packet_id count.
trn ping
count: int
packet_id = current_transaction_info::get_external_envelope_or_abort() $from.
return make_ping packet_id count.
For transaction implementation details, refer to Defining Transactions (The trn Statement).
Hash Identifiers
Compiled applications are content-hashed. The output file produced by the compiler uses the application’s hash as the name. Any change to the application’s code, any library that it loads, or any of the applications used by its nested packets cause a change in the hash ID of the application.