
The abort statement is a convenient shortcut to terminate the current transaction evaluation due to an error.

The syntax of the abort statement is:

abort <error_message> when [not] <expression>. 

For example:

abort "I should not be negative" when I < 0.

or, equivalently:

abort "I should not be negative" when not I >= 0.

Abort During Initialization

There is a special syntactic form of the abort statement designed to work in combination (and only in combination) with variable initialization. In this case, rather than <expression>, the statement ends in is [not] <value>. This variation is most frequently used to eliminate NIL from an expression’s result set.

For example:

X = some_func some_argument abort "function returned NIL" when is NIL.

The type of X is inferred by the compiler as not nullable because the evaluator never allows X to be equal to NIL in this situation.