
Like many other programming languages, MUFL statements include both simple statements (comprised within a single logical line), compound statements (groups of simple statements), and statements that implement traditional flow control constructs, as well as statements unique to the ADAPT framework.

Statement Description
abort A convenient shortcut to terminate the current transaction evaluation due to an error.
bind Assigns substructures to corresponding variables.
break Typical loop exit functionality found in most languages.
continue Typical “proceed to next item” loop functionality found in most languages.
trn Defines a transaction.
fn Declares a function.
grab Helps control dangerous primitives.
if Typical if, then, elif construct found in most languages.
metadef Declares a new named type.
return Returns a value from a function.
scan Iterates over data structures, including the typical looping functionality found in most languages.
transact Invokes a transaction.