
These components comprise the ADAPT runtime environment.

Read–eval–print loop (REPL) Language Shell

  • mufl - a command-line tool to execute MUFL code by hand

ADAPT JavaScript API

  • adapt_js - a native Javascript add-on library used to embed ADAPT nodes into software running under node.js
  • adapt_js_wasm - a Wasm-based Javascript add-on library used to embed ADAPT nodes into web and mobile front ends


  • ADAPT wrapper - wraps all packets in an ADAPT node and connects with the ADAPT message broker to facilitate communication between packets inside the node and packets in other nodes.
  • ADAPT message broker - routes messages between ADAPT nodes
  • ADAPT backup storage - provides backup storage for packet states and ongoing transaction logs on behalf of ADAPT nodes

Essential Utilities

Organizations operating ADAPT-based software systems must provision a message broker to enable nodes to communicate with each other. They must also deploy a specialized file storage server used to store encrypted backups of ADAPT packets, as required by the application.