
The MUFL environment provides a range of pre-defined functions called primitives. The tables in this topic describe all the primitives available in MUFL.

Basic Primitives

Name Signature Description
_print arguments: any… -> nil Prints arguments to the output buffer
_e_print arguments: any… -> nil Prints arguments to the error output buffer
_abort_transaction error_message: str -> nil Aborts the transaction execution with the provided error message
_assert condition: bool -> nil (Test scripts only) Asserts the given value is true, otherwise aborts the evaluation
_get_code_id - -> hash_code Returns a hash code of the current MUFL application
_get_container_id - -> global_id Returns the ID of the current MUFL packet
_get_state_id - -> hash_code Returns a hash code of the current packet state
_new_id salt: str -> global_id Generates a new random 32-byte global ID
_typeof value: any -> str Returns the underlying domain name of the given value
_write value: any -> bin Serializes the given value.
_root_hash value: any -> hash_code Returns the root hash of the given blinded dictionary
_value_id value: any -> hash_code Returns the hash code of the given value
_get_hash_code_metadata hash: hash_code -> ($hash_type -> <”BL2B”, “S256”, “CNST”>, $hash_shape_version -> ($maj -> int, $min -> int)) Returns metadata of the given hash code
_new_safe_ref - -> saferef Generates a new safe reference
_reg_match reg_expr: str, string: str -> (str[] |nil) Returns list of matches of the regular expression in the string. NIL if no matches found
_count value: any -> int Returns NIL if the value is integral or the size/length of the value of dictionaries, strings, and binaries
_has dict: any, key: any -> bool Checks whether the given dictionary contains a value with the given key
_get_bit bit_index: int, value: int -> int Returns the value of the bit at the given index of the given integer value
_validate_global_id_string _validate_global_id_string (_get_container_id()) Returns whether the given string has a correct length and HEX structure
_is_test_mode - -> bool Returns whether the environment was initialized in a test mode
_get_platform_type_id - -> int Returns the type ID of the current platform
_get_nitro_platform_type_id - -> int Returns the type ID of the AWS Nitro Enclaves platform
_get_wasm_platform_type_id - -> int Returns the type ID of the WASM platform
_get_native_platform_type_id - -> int Returns the type ID of the native platform

Domain Binary Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_binary_slice binary_value: bin, start: int, length: int -> bin Extracts a slice of the given length from the given binary starting at the given index _binary_slice 0xabcd 2 2
_binlen binary_value: bin -> int Returns the length of the given binary _binlen 0xabcd

Conversions Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_byte_to_hex byte: int -> bin Converts the given integer byte to binary _byte_to_hex 56
_hex_string_to_binary hex_string: str -> bin Parses the given HEX string into a binary _hex_string_to_binary “0xabcd”
_hex_string_from_binary binary_value: bin -> str Converts the given binary into a hex string _hex_string_from_binary 0xabcd
_number_to_binary number: int -> bin Converts the given number into a binary _number_to_binary 12345678
_binary_to_number binary_value: bin -> int Converts the binary to decimal number _binary_to_number 0xabcd
_string_to_binary string: str -> bin Converts the given string into a binary byte by byte _string_to_binary “Hello world!”
_binary_as_ascii_string binary_value: bin -> str Converts the given binary into an ASCII string _binary_as_ascii_string 0x48656C6C6F20776F726C642100
_hash_code_to_binary hash: hash_code -> bin Converts the given hash code value into a binary _hash_code_to_binary (_value_id 5)
_binary_to_hash_code binary_value: bin -> hash_code Converts the binary value into a hash code in case it has the correct length _binary_to_hash_code (_hash_code_to_binary (_value_id 5))

Crypto Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_ecc_c25519_sign message: str, secret_key: str -> str+ Calculates the ECC C25519 signature with the given secret key _ecc_c25519_sign message secret_key
_ecc_c25519_verify signature: str, message: str, public_key: str -> bool Verifies the ECC C25519 signature _ecc_c25519_verify signature message public_key
_ecc_c25519_create_key seed_hex: str -> [str, str] Generates a new ECC C25519 keypair [public_key, secret_key] with the 32 bytes long given seed _ecc_c25519_create_key (_hex_string_from_binary (_hash_code_to_binary (_value_id NIL)))

Dangerous Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_read serialized_value: bin -> any Deserializes the given serialized value _read (_write 10)

For more information, refer to Handling Dangerous Primitives.

AWS Nitro Enclaves Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_enclave_get_ad user_data_hash: hash_code, nonce: bin, public_key: bin -> str Generates an AWS Nitro Enclaves attestation document _enclave_get_ad (_value_id NIL) NIL NIL
_enclave_unseal_ad_json ad: str, timestamp: time -> str Parses and validates the given AWS Nitro Enclaves attestation document _enclave_unseal_ad_json ad timestamp

Ethereum Primitives

Name Signature Description Example  
_eth_public_from_private private_key: bin -> bin Derives a public key from the given private key _eth_public_from_private private_key
_eth_address_from_public public_key: bin -> bin Calculates an Ethereum address from the given public key _eth_address_from_public public_key  
_eth_seed_from_mnemonic mnemonic_phrase: str -> bin Calculates a seed from the given mnemonic phrase _eht_seed_from_mnemonic mnemonic_phrase  
_eth_generate_mnemonic length: int -> str Generates a random mnemonic phrase of the given length _eth_generate_mnemonic 12  
_eth_generate_mnemonic_from_entropy entropy: bin -> str Generates a mnemonic phrase from the given entropy in a deterministic way _eth_generate_mnemonic_from_entropy (_hash_code_to_binary (_value_id NIL))  
_eth_extended_root_key_from_seed seed: bin, chain_id: int+ -> str Generates a Base-58 encoded extended root private key from the given seed _eth_extended_root_key_from_seed seed  
_eth_extract_private_from_extended extended_key_base_58: str -> bin Extracts an Ethereum private key from the given extended root key _eth_extract_public_from_extended extended_key  
_eth_extract_public_from_extended extended_key_base_58: str -> bin Extracts an Ethereum public key from the given extended root key _eth_extract_public_from_extended extended_key  
_eth_extended_public_from_extended_private extended_private_base_58: str -> bin Calculates an extended public key from the given extended private key _eth_extended_public_from_extended_private extended_private_key  
_eth_derive_private_key extended_private_base_58: str, array: int[], depth: int -> str Derives a new extended private key from the given extended private key _eth_derive_private_key extended_private [0,0,0,1] 0  
_eth_derive_public_key extended_key_base_58: str, array: int[], depth: int -> str Derives a new extended public key from the given extended private/public key _eth_derive_public_key extended_key [0,0,1] 0  
_eth_hardened index: int -> int Calculates a hardened Ethereum index from the given index _eth_hardened 0  
_eth_sign private_key: bin, transaction: eth_transaction, chain_id: int+ -> bin Calculates a signature of the given Ethereum transaction with the given private key _eth_sign private_key transaction NIL  
_rlp_decode rlp_encoded_binary: bin -> any Decodes the given RLP decoded value _rlp_decode rlp_encoded_binary  
_eth_parse_signature signature: bin -> eth_transaction_signed Parses the given Ethereum signature. This primitives does not validate the signature _eth_parse_signature eth_signature  
_eth_validate_and_parse_signature signature: bin, public_key: bin -> eth_transaction_signed Parses the given signature and validates it against the given public key _eth_validate_and_parse_signature eth_signature public_key  
_eth_compress_public decompressed_public_key: bin -> bin Calculates a compressed public key from the given public key _eth_compress_public decompressed_public_key  
_eth_decomrpess_public public_key: bin -> bin Calculates a decompressed public key from the given public key _eth_decompress_public public_key  

JSON Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_to_json value: any -> str+ Converts the given value to JSON string or returns NIL on failure _to_json ($hello -> 1, $world -> TRUE)
_to_json_with_limits limits_dict: (str -» int), value: any -> str+ Converts the given value to JSON string with imposed limits or returns NIL on failure _to_json_with_limits ($ws -> 1000, $depth -> 1000, $strlen -> 1000, $keylen -> 1000, $items -> 1000)
_to_json_or_abort value: any -> str Converts the given value to JSON string or aborts on failure _to_json_or_abort value
_from_json json_string: str -> any Parses the given JSON string into a MUFL value or returns NIL on failure _from_json “{"hello": 1}”
_from_json_with_limits limits_dict: (str -» int), json_string: str -> any Parses the given JSON string into a MUFL value with imposed limits or returns NIL on failure _from_json_with_limits limits value
_from_json_or_abort json_string: str -> any Parses the given JSON string into a MUFL value or aborts on failure _from_json_or_abort json_string

String Operation Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_str value: any -> str Converts the given value to its string representation _str ($hello -> 1, $world -> ($nested -> TRUE))
_str_is_number string: str -> bool Checks whether the given string is a number represented as a string _str_is_number “1000”
_str_to_number string: str -> int Converts the given string to a corresponding number _str_to_number “1000”
_str_from_number number: int -> str Converts the given number to its string representation _str_from_number 1000
_substr string: str, start: int, length: int -> str Returns a substring of the given string starting at the given index with the given length _substr “Hello world!” 0 5
_str_find string: str, substring: str, start_pos: int -> int Searches for the given substring in the given string starting from the given position _str_find “Hello world!” “world” 2
_str_left string: str, count: int -> str Returns a substring of the given string consisting of the first characters _str_left “Hello world” 5
_str_right string: str, count int -> str Returns a substring of the given string consisting of the last characters _str_right “Hello world” 5
_str_trim_left string: str -> str Trims all the whitespaces from the given string from the left _str_trim_left “ Hello world”
_str_trim_right string: str -> str Trims all the whitespaces from the given string from the right _str_trim_right “Hello world “
_str_trim string: str -> str Trims all the whitespaces from the given string from both left and right _str_trim “ Hello world “
_str_cut string: str, len: int -> str[] Cuts the given string into a pieces of the given length _str_cut “Hello world” 6
_str_to_lower string: str -> str Converts all the characters in the given string to lowercase _str_to_lower “Hello WORLD”
_str_split separator: str, string: str -> str[] Splits the given string into a list of two strings - the first with characters up to the first occurrence of the given separator in one string and the remainder of the given string in the second. _str_split “ “ “Hello world”
_strlen string: str -> int Returns the length of the given string _strlen “Hello world”

Time Primitives

Name Signature Description Example
_parse_time time_str: str -> time Parses the time string into a value of domain TIME _parse_time “2022-01-01 00:00:00.123456789 (UTC+2)”
_time_from_seconds_and_nanoseconds_since_epoch seconds: int, nanoseconds: int -> time Constructs a value of domain TIME from the given values of seconds and nanoseconds since epoch _time_from_seconds_and_nanoseconds_since_epoch 1234 112233
_substract_seconds lhs: time, rhs: time -> int Returns the result in seconds of subtracting of the right-hand side time point from the left-hand side time point _substract_seconds time1 time2
_substract_additional_nanoseconds lhs: time, rhs: time -> int Returns an additional difference in nanoseconds after executing the _substract_seconds lhs rhs _substract_additional_nanoseconds time1 time2
_get_year time_point: time -> int Extracts the four-digit year from the given time point _get_year t
_get_month time_point: time -> int Extracts the month (1-12) from the given time point _get_month t
_get_day_of_year time_point: time -> int Extracts the day of year (1-365) from the given time point _get_day_of_year t
_get_day_of_month time_point: time -> int Extracts the day of the month (1-31) from the given time point _get_day_of_month t
_get_day_of_week time_point: time -> int Extracts the day of the week (0-6) from the given time point _get_day_of_week t
_get_hours time_point: time -> int Extracts hours (0-23) from the given time point _get_hours t
_get_minutes time_point: time -> int Extracts minutes (0-59) from the given time point _get_minutes t
_get_seconds time_point: time -> int Extracts seconds (0-59) from the given time point _get_minutes t
_get_nanoseconds time_point: time -> int Extracts nanoseconds from the given time point _get_nanoseconds t
_get_seconds_since_epoch time_point: time -> int Converts the given time point to the number of seconds since epoch _get_seconds_since_epoch